When a guy has a lot of hair on his arms legs and head does that mean he probably has a hairy stomach too?

Ok so the guys 16 years old (sophomore high school). His arms are pretty hairy (not like super hairy though) he shaves (not that abnormal, I know haha) and I can tell when he doesn't shave and he has pretty hairy legs (from what I remember from the warmer weather days), and he has a LOT of hair on his head. like its really thick. I got nothing against hairy kids, just curious if he'd be also pretty hairy on his stomach, chest, back, etc.

and if more places too, could you explain please!
Yes (if so, could the guys [girls too--if you know] explain where else on the body the hair usually grows the most)
Other (Explain please)
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+1 y
and when I say shave, I mean shave his facial hair. not arm and leg hair
+1 y
thank you everyone!

i see that it could probably go any way, or as someone else said, anything is possible:]

and yeah. this question as pretty much curiosity haha
When a guy has a lot of hair on his arms legs and head does that mean he probably has a hairy stomach too?
6 Opinion