How to know if a known player has genuine feelings for you?

I think this is a question most girls could benefit from knowing the answer. So long story short, there's this guy I've been friends with since fifth grade and had a growing crush on since eighth. Anyways he's the perfect description of a stereotypical player, handsome, flirty, talking with a different girl everyday, leading them all on, ex.. Anyways he's given me the whole "you're different than the others, I really like you spiel" but I'm not easy to believe (Especially because usually that conversation ends with something along the lines with "we should hook up") I don't want to be another notch in his belt so I've never done anything with him. Anyways I know at one point he actually did like me, but this was back in my socially awkward middle school days and I didn't know how to deal with guys having crushes on me (it was right when I hit puberty and while before I was an ignored by every guy in sight and practically overnight guys started paying attention to me) anyways I spent that year awkwardly stay away from and ignoring any guy that liked me so nothing became of it then. Anyways I really like him but don't want to be kidding myself thinking I won't just be another chick he gets, so if anyone has any suggestions helpful to my predicament in specific or any generic tips for girls who have struggled with this question it would be great to hear a them! :)
How to know if a known player has genuine feelings for you?
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