Men, do you like when your girlfriend watches reality tv?

Ladies how do your boyfriend react when you watch reality tv?

I watch so much reality TV my boyfriend says he thinks it is starting to wedge its way in my behavior I have become bossy and the IDGAF mentality lol ( which is kinda true)

So we made an agreement & he limited me to 2 reality shows for month and watch more well scripted televsion sereies like madmen, dexter, scandal etc

Surprisingly I like them. I think the reason I strayed from these shows is because they needed more dedication and commitment to follow the season, its plot were more complex.

Now I hate reality TV and the unnecessary drama and not to mention the presence of these stars in the media and the sh*t they do try and keep themselves relevant

Now tell me what are your views?
Men, do you like when your girlfriend watches reality tv?
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