I'm in love with a maintenance man?

Hey Guys :)

I am a freshman at college, and have been into this guy since last September. I would see him in the dining hall all the time and after a couple of months found out he is a maintenance man for our school. From the looks of it he is only about 25. I thought the attraction was mutual because I would catch him looking at me and when I went to look at him he would always hold eye contact.

So, after a few months I decided I would just go for it. I went up and introduced myself, found out a little bit about him (name, he sings, wants to go back to school, etc.) and excused myself. I was pretty proud of myself haha. about a week after that he followed me and my friend up to the soup bar but waited for me to say hi and then acted kind of anxious and bothered when I did. So, a few more weeks went by with us going back to the awkward staring/smiling thing again, and then I went away for a couple of weeks on vacation. When I came back he looked a bit jumpy to see me but didn't say any thing and left promptly after a acted like I was getting up from my table to go talk to him.

He always looks super suspicious and deep in thought but my friends and I have decided that is just a permanent expression he has haha

Now here are a few theories I have, let me know what you think.

1. He likes me but is just insanely shy (but shouldn't he be a bit more confident considering how obvious it is I like him?)

2. He likes me but has a girlfriend (sucks but very plausible)

3. He doesn't like me that way and was just being polite (I could deal with that if he would only let me know)

4. Any other suggestions?

What do you guys think?
I'm in love with a maintenance man?
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