Support After Rape And Sexual Assault

Anyone can be a victim of rape or sexual assault and that includes men and even the elderly. After such a traumatic event, it can be very difficult to come to terms with what happened and how you'll move on with your life. If you've been a victim of rape or a sexual assualt, hopefully, the information below will be of some help to you and give you hope of moving on and returning to the old you again.

It can take some time for what happened to you to sink in, but that's fine. You should take all the time you need. Consider taking time off work or cancel events if you're feeling especially affected by what's happened, to the point you can't concentrate and it's all you're thinking about. Let how you're feeling and your emotions out; don't hold them back.

Contacting the police is your decision and should be only your decision. It's understandable as to why you wouldn't want to go to the police as it can bring back more memories and you may have to see the perpetrator again. You will not be frowned upon if you choose not to go to the police, but it's always encouraged. For some, seeing the perpetrator behind bars can help bring them closure. Either way, it's something you should always consider. If you're undecided, you should still keep any evidence, just in case you decide to prosecute. Don't wash the clothes you wore and take pictures of any bruises/marks on your body.

Support After Rape And Sexual Assault

Telling someone

It's common for victims to be too afraid to tell anyone about what's happened and it's a valid fear. Not everyone will believe you and that can be very painful. It can make you question yourself, what happened and whether you were to blame for it. Don't let anyone or youself believe it was your fault or that you have to justify your feelings in any way. You know what you went through and you know your feelings are very real, that's all that matters. Confide in someone you trust the most, whether it's a friend or a family member. Hopefully, that person will support you throughout the healing process and are okay to be a shoulder to cry on when you need it. If not, there is always help elsewhere. Never be ashamed to ask for help, it can be surprisingly beneficial so you should always give it a chance.

Post Traumatic Stres Disorder (PTSD)

It's likely that you will develop Post Traumatic Stres Disorder (PTSD), which can develop at any time after the incident. During this time, you will feel irritable and generally depressed. You may suffer with recurrent nightmares and intrusive thoughts about what happened to you. Thankfully, PTSD usually lasts for a few weeks before symptoms begin to subside. If symptoms persist, then you should see a doctor and consider trying medication or having cognitive behaviour therapy.
If you don't develop PTSD and that's causing you concern, it's not uncommon for people to not develop PTSD after a stressful event. There is nothing wrong with you and the event can still be traumatic.


Seeing a counsellor/therapist may really help you understand how you're feeling. They will be trained on how to consult and handle victims of rape and assault. They will understand the thoughts and emotions that are consuming you and know how to reduce them or at least, help you control them. Even if you cry for the hour, every tear is a positive way forward for you because you're letting out those overwhelming emotions.

There are numerous support lines for sexual assualt and rape. A quick Google search will bring up the relevant ones for your area. You won't be required to give your name or tell them exactly what happened. They will only listen and support you wherever they can.


The most important thing is patience. You cannot expect yourself to function the way you did before the incident happened so give yourself time to slowly get back on your feet. Sometimes, you have to put life on hold to put yourself first. Shock affects everyone differently. It may take you years to get back to how you
were, whilst it could take a few months for another person. It doesn't mean you're weak or unable to cope, you just handle it differently.

Self defence classes can really help. Not only will you be learning self defence for your protection, it will bring back confidence in yourself, it will provide you with a new hobby and something to aim for and you will be able to make new friendships. It would be a very positive decision to make for yourself.

Writing is seen as a therapautic way of sharing your emotions. If you have a personal blog or just a diary, writing down everything you're feeling can really help. It can also be advantageous in the future to see how far you've progressed in your healing since you wrote that entry, because sometimes it'll feel like you're getting nowhere. Other options could be drawing and painting or trying dance classes. Exercise in general may help too.

There are forums and websites which are dedicated to people who have been through such incidences and there are places like 7 Cups Of Tea which provide a platform to get free counselling from trained volunteers.

Remember that what happened wasn't your fault, that life does get better after being a victim of sexual violence and you will be able to move on from what happened with time. Put yourself first and do whatever you can to help yourself get past this chapter of your life.

Support After Rape And Sexual Assault
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