5 Ways to Make Sure You Actually Lose Weight in 2016

5 Ways to Make Sure You Actually Lose Weight in 2016

It happens every year:

Hordes of people sign up for gym membership or swear they're going to lose weight; it's the New Year's Resolution for so many. Lose weight, look great, feel great. And yet, after these gyms rake in the one-year memberships during the first part of January, attendance mysteriously starts to decline again after Valentine's Day.

Okay, so it's not so mysterious. You were all pumped and dedicated during the last week of 2015. You swore you were going to end 2016 on a higher note and that includes less weight and more self-esteem. But then life basically bitch-smacked you at some point in January and the set-in-stone rule of going to the gym every day has fallen by the wayside.

But you're going to win this year. It's going to work. And here's how it's going to happen:

1. There's a difference between Cross-Fit and just getting fit

It's so easy to come up with a strict, regimented routine when you're sitting at your desk at school or work. But putting it into effect is another matter, isn't it? The key is to simply avoid going overboard: You're at the gym to lose a few pounds; you're not there to train for the annual Cross-Fit Games. Don't go nuts. Just stick to a decent, realistic routine and you'll be fine.

5 Ways to Make Sure You Actually Lose Weight in 2016

2. Self-conscious? Go when there are fewer people around

You've got a little extra weight and despite every gym's claim that nobody's going to judge you, you're still self-conscious. It's easy to say "just ignore everyone else at the gym" but we're all human, right? If your negative body image is getting in the way of your gym attendance, two things to remember: 1. Your brain is creating another excuse NOT to go, and 2. If you can't fight it, try to go when there are the fewest people there.

5 Ways to Make Sure You Actually Lose Weight in 2016

3. Working out at home might be a lot easier

Gym memberships appear cheap on the surface but once you start adding up the months, they're not so inexpensive. On the flip side, those expensive home machines might pay for themselves in the span of the year. Plus, with all these exercise options for the home now (want to dance off those pounds? Go right ahead!), you've got no excuse. Hell, even one of those balls will do the trick if you actually use it.

4. Diets are a waste of time; make small changes to how you eat...forever

They just are. If you want to lose weight and keep the weight off, you have to change your eating habits for good. Forever. Yeah, sorry, it's the only way. But make small changes to your diet as you progress through 2016; in January, maybe you drop the soda. In February, you avoid fried foods. In March, you forego all offers of dessert. Even the smallest changes can make a very big difference. And the best part is, you can balance things out by occasionally having bad stuff...it's not a diet, it's just a balanced diet. ;)

5. Have more sex

Yes, really. It's one of the most aerobic activities on the planet and on top of which, it tends to give you confidence and motivation. You want to hit the gym or use that machine in the other room. You want to eat better and move around more. And success will beget success...looking better will mean more sex, which will mean more burned calories and more motivation.

You know how there are vicious circles? That right there is an awesome circle.

5 Ways to Make Sure You Actually Lose Weight in 2016
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