Yes, I Have Hypothyroidism... and it Sucks

First of all, let's make one thing clear: I do not body-shame others, and you'll never face judgment from me based on your appearance.

Clear as mud? Spiffy.

I can't begin to count the number of times I've watched people eat cheeseburgers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, wash it down with a large Coke, and cite 'hypothyroidism' as the reason they can't lose weight... and it makes me want to tear my hair out, because hypothyroidism sucks balls. And, if you really had it, you'd know that.

Yes, I Have Hypothyroidism... and it Sucks

Yes, my condition does make losing weight a nightmare. Your thyroid (a small butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, near the Adam's apple) controls your metabolism and how well you burn calories- if your body doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone, it makes less energy and your body processes slow to a crawl.

I'm not fat. I have to watch what I eat more than the average person does and can work out for years without ever seeing results. It's depressing, but it is what it is.

Yes, I Have Hypothyroidism... and it Sucks

Most symptoms of hypothyroidism are vague and mimic those of other conditions. They include:

-cold hands and feet
-dry skin
-puffy face
-muscle weakness
-elevated blood cholesterol level
-muscle aches/tenderness/stiffness
-pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
-heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods
-thinning hair
-slowed heart rate
-impaired memory

And that's not even a full list, not to mention that you'll be on a first-name basis with your local blood clinic until you die (what, you mean people don't like being poked full of holes?)

Yes, I Have Hypothyroidism... and it Sucks

Who is at risk?

Hypothyroidism is very common in adult women, affecting ~30 percent of us, and your risk increases with age. White and Asian people are more likely to develop hypothyroidism, as are people who have a family history, suffer from other autoimmune conditions, received radiation to the neck or upper chest, been pregnant, or had a thyroidectomy (full or partial surgical removal of the thyroid).

Some people are born with it, though most develop it over time. And, though not as common in men or children under 18, they can be affected as well.

Yes, I Have Hypothyroidism... and it Sucks


Thre is no cure for hypothyroidism, though it can be managed with medication and regular trips to the blood clinic. I take levothyroxine, a synthetic hormone pill that keeps things in check- it has to be taken on an empty stomach, meaning that I often can't have my morning coffee unti l~11 a.m., which makes school days and morning shifts so much harder than they already are for a perma-zombie like me.

I also visit the blood clinic every 3 months, so that my medication can be adjusted if needed. It's not a miracle drug by any stretch- more often than not, I still feel like shit.

Yes, I Have Hypothyroidism... and it Sucks


Untreated hypothyroidism can cause a plethora of health issues, including:

-joint pain

-goiter (swelling of the thyroid gland);

-heart problems


-severe mental health issues

-birth defects

-peripheral neuropathy (tingling, pain, or numbness in the extremities)


Rarely, hypothyroidism can lead to a condition called myxedema, which can be fatal and requires immediate emergency treatment. Often triggered by sedatives, infection, or stress on the body, myxedema causes sufferers to lose consciousness or fall into a coma, and the body's internal temperature drops exponentially, resulting in death.

Yes, I Have Hypothyroidism... and it Sucks

Still sound like a trendy excuse for your lack of self-control? Gag me with a spoon.


Yes, I Have Hypothyroidism... and it Sucks
Post Opinion