Being Fat is Not Something You Should Be Proud Of

This myTake is about people who are obese on the BMI chart, not about people who are little bit overweight. I’m sick and tired of these ‘fat acceptance movements."

There is rarely a good excuse to be fat

Being fat is not an achievement. It’s a result of a failure. Weight loss is almost always possible no matter what your life and situation is like. There is no excuse for being lazy. People who admit that they’re lazy are more honorable than people who try to make up excuses. Medical conditions that make people fat are rare. It’s usually correctable through gastric bypass surgery and through medication. I have a friend who has hypothyroidism and one of the side effects is weight gain. He does his best to stay in shape and he’s nowhere near fat.

Being fat takes up a lot of space

Being fat means you need more space to get through an area and it means that you can’t fit in things that most people can fit in. It also means you will take up more airplane seats and more space on a public bench. Being fat makes it harder for you and everyone else. Being fat also takes up more resources such as food (fat people tend to eat more) and clothing (more fabric area for extra flesh).

Fat doesn’t look better than skinny

Most people are not attracted to fat people. Most people don’t prefer fat people as their partners. Most people prefer to look at someone who is physically fit. What people generally don’t find attractive is not 'conventionally attractive.’ Being fat may be considered conventionally attractive in poor countries. But when people become wealthy, they will have preferences for people who are physically fit.

Being Fat is Not Something You Should Be Proud Of

Being fat is not good for your health

This is a medically known fact, which is why doctors prefer all their patients to be in normal weight. There are more health risks for being fat. You increase your risk of cancer, diabetes and so many other illnesses. You shouldn’t be proud of something that risks your health. The fat acceptance movement is promoting more people to have health issues instead of trying to minimize them.

Being Fat is Not Something You Should Be Proud Of

Being fat doesn’t make you curvy or manly

Women, being fat doesn’t give you more curves because curvy and fat are two different things. Men, being fat doesn’t make you more manly because manly and heavy are two different things. People really need to stop sugarcoating fatness into something ‘special'.

Sincerely, the brutally blunt honest 10 out of 10 guy

Being Fat is Not Something You Should Be Proud Of
Post Opinion