Cigarettes Are Not Just Tobacco Rolled Up in a Piece of Paper

Cigarettes Are Not Just Tobacco Rolled Up in a Piece of Paper

Although Nicotine is responsible for the addictive qualities of tobacco smoke, it is actually the other chemicals in the smoke that causes most of the damage to the body.

Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, including fifty known carcinogenic (cancer-causing) compounds and 400 other toxins.

Many of these chemicals are added to make the body able to tolerate toxic amounts of cigarette smoke, and to keep you addicted.

Cigarettes Are Not Just Tobacco Rolled Up in a Piece of Paper

Ammonia is used in household cleaners.

Ammonia is used to freebase tobacco in order to give nicotine over 35 times more addictive potential than normal, which does not register on nicotine level testing.

Freebasing is a chemical process where the tobacco is cooked together with ammonia to make the nicotine stronger and therefore much more addictive.

Cigarettes Are Not Just Tobacco Rolled Up in a Piece of Paper

Nicotine exists in two forms, acid (bound) and base (free). In tobacco smoke, free nicotine molecules vaporize more easily than bound nicotine molecules.

Tobacco companies discovered that adding ammonia to the cigarette manufacturing process helps convert bound nicotine molecules into free molecules. Once nicotine vaporizes into a gas, it is quickly absorbed by the lungs and distributed to the brain and heart immediately (within 3 seconds).

I know just knowing the facts isn't enough to make a person quit. Chances are most smokers already know the disadvantages and are still constantly bombarded with them.

Cigarettes Are Not Just Tobacco Rolled Up in a Piece of Paper

Seeing warnings all the time desensitizes them. Scary commercials only talk about Cancer. They don't offer any solutions. So for all the smokers who would love to quit smoking but don't know how, the commercials do nothing but create negative feelings about ever trying to quit again.

Cigarettes Are Not Just Tobacco Rolled Up in a Piece of Paper

I had someone tell me this -

I think everyone here is aware about how bad cigarette smoking is for you, but most people don't care learning about it because : (

1) It's dying out. (2) Those ads on youtube are annoying, I don't want to even hear about cigarettes. Marijuana is what people smoke now.

I understand that it's less popular these days but it is still a major concern. Cigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths annually.

I just wanted to share this information to bring about some awareness. And encourage you to take care of yourself and your body, because no one else is going to do it for you.

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Cigarettes Are Not Just Tobacco Rolled Up in a Piece of Paper
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