8 Things That Will Not Help You Keep the Weight Off


One of the major problems with those that attempt weight loss, is that they are looking for, tend to be quick fixes or temporary fixes, to what should in reality be a life long goal of maintaining a healthy weight.The constant up and down, and gaining more than you started with, and insane and dangerous methods some people resort to rarely if ever lead to anything but repeated failure and anguish that next month, you have to start all over again.

1. Diet Pills/Laxatives

8 Things That Will Not Help You Keep the Weight Off

Yup, there are still people in 2017 that think diet pills and laxatives are good ways to get the weight down. The diet pill industry is largely unregulated. Why? In order to get a diet pill on the shelf, all the company has to do legally, is essentially put a disclaimer on their product that says what they are claiming will help you lose weight has not officially been tested or approved by the FDA and that results may vary. As long as the pills don't kill people, they can be sold to just about anyone as OTC's. Most contain insane amounts of caffeine that keep you high strung and jittery, but don't actually do much for the old waist line. And laxatives...your body is not designed to keep mass emptying your digestive tank like that. Laxatives are designed for temporary relief of a clog from time to time, not everyday use. Abuse can lead to all sorts of expensive health problems which are much worse than just simply going to the gym and learning to eat right.

2. Frozen Dinners

8 Things That Will Not Help You Keep the Weight Off

It sounds so convenient. You just pop them into the microwave, they are low calorie, they allegedly contain healthy ingredients, BUT don't be fooled. Frozen dinners like most diet food, compensate for lack of calories, by upping salt and sometimes sugar content. They stuff them with plenty of additives the body does not want or need and because the portions are TINY, most people remain ravenous after eating them and tend to binge more later on in the day anyway. I mean, something called a pasta with a tomato sauce, should not contain 35 ingredients, 20 of them you can't find in nature.

3. All Exercise, Bad Diet

8 Things That Will Not Help You Keep the Weight Off

If you are one of those super motivated people who has no problem with exercise, but thinks they can still eat a bad diet, you may totally be spinning your wheels. If you are an Olympian or a professional foot baller who does indeed workout 4, 5, 6, 8 hours a day, then sure, but going hard an hour a day in the gym and then eating 2 pizzas, drinking 3 cokes, and eating some nuggets and a snickers bar, aren't going to have you seeing much weight loss on the scale because that is not fueling your body for proper weight loss or muscle gain. Also, if you are going hard at the gym and something happens and you suffer injury, need surgery, or illness with no way to workout, what then? Not to mention going hard at the gym all the time with no rest, tends to lead to injury anyway.

4. 60 Day Diets

8 Things That Will Not Help You Keep the Weight Off

It is exhausting to have to keep trying to lose weight. It takes a lot of time, energy and dedication to shed the pounds, and every time you commit to some insane 60, 30, 1 week plan, you are only going to see temporary results because there just is no way to sustain these plans long term, which is why they are 60 day plans only. These fad programs and exercise plans have you going to extremes to burn with no long term pay off not to mention they tend to be expensive. If you're going to invest in something, invest in a personal trainer or seeing a nutritionist or an actual gym membership to help you see long term results.

5. Meal Centers

8 Things That Will Not Help You Keep the Weight Off

These have popped up more and more these days. How realistic is this long term? You are paying a high premium for someone else to continuously make your food. This is not a sustainable down the road unless you are rich enough to afford these plans for life. They also can't really help you when you are out with friends for the night or go on vacation or business trips because the delivery services tend to be local only. YOU need to learn to take care of yourself and your diet no matter the situation because life can throw anything at you at any time.

6. Weight Loss Gadgets

8 Things That Will Not Help You Keep the Weight Off

All these gimmicky waist trainers, and supposed fat shredding gadgets and such will always end up dumped in the trash. You may see a few results here and there, but are these going to get you down to your goal weight, no. Don't waste your money on any machine or gadget that does one thing. If you are going to fork over some money, invest in something that works multiple aspects of your body like a bike or a treadmill.

7. Spot Training

8 Things That Will Not Help You Keep the Weight Off

...and speaking of, stop trying to spot train. Please for the love of everything that is right in the world, know that spot training is useless. Your body/muscles work in tandem with one another. By working your entire body, you are increasing the amount of weight you can shed and muscle you will gain by leaps and bounds above just expending all your time/energy on doing a 1,000 crunches a day. Don't put more time and energy into something that if you do it right, can be done with less effort in the first place with better results.

8 Things That Will Not Help You Keep the Weight Off
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