Body Image, and the Truth about Your Health.

Before I start I want everyone to take a deep breath, a chill pill if you need one, and first take a good look at yourself in the mirror.

Body Image, and the Truth about Your Health.

Everyone Do that? Ok, what do you see?

Maybe you see the sexiest motherfucker who ever lived, maybe you're like me and have things about you're appearance you wish you could change. For me its acne, no matter what I do I always seem to get breakouts as soon as the last one clears up. I have little blonde hairs on my lip that probably no one else would see even if I showed them, but I know theyre there and it bugs the craps out of me. I look too skinny for my liking and I wish I had more weight and muscle to not just make myself stronger but also look more like a grown woman than a little kid.

If I let it bother me it can be really frustrating and make me not want to go out. Like I dont feel good enough to let anyone see me. I'm just being real and a lot of you probably get the same kinds of issues when you really start to think about what you wish you looked like.

But here's the thing: no matter what you define as beautiful or sexy, or whether you fit your own description of that, health is a different topic than that.

what makes a person healthy? Things like:

Good diet: eating food that's nutritious and not full of empty calories

Body Image, and the Truth about Your Health.

Exercise: actually using the calories that you ingest and not letting them coagulate into goop

Body Image, and the Truth about Your Health.

Your overall physical fitness: how fast can you you run a mile? Can you defend yourself? Could you help someone who's hurt get away from danger?

Body Image, and the Truth about Your Health.

These things are like science, you can measure yourself in each of those categories and determine how long you can expect to live and what you'll die from. Things that make you die sooner like smoking, drugs, and HIGH CHOLESTEROL(I think you get where I'm going with this) will all help you develope heart disease, lung disease, liver disease, all the diseases you get what I'm saying? The eggheads break it down to the molecular levels and they know for a fact whos healthy or not.

Body Image, and the Truth about Your Health.

They also ride dinosaurs because of course scientists ride mother effing dinosaurs!


I just wanted to make that clear to everyone. Whatever you think is "curvy", "sexy", and "attractive" is your business. No one has control over the body type that's pleasing to their eyes so I dont judge, but before you call a certain amount of extra body fat HEALTHY, consider that now there's facts involved and not just your opinion.

So back to body image, if your weight is something that when you look in the mirror you don't like, then I have the most amazing news! You can change that😄 some things like not liking you're nose or your height you can't really do anything about, so youve got to just accept those things as part of your beauty, but a quick jog and less Doritos a day can make you look better, and feel better because you'll be seriously more healthy. The wrong thing to do is look at yourself in the mirror and say, its healthy and ok to just accept an extra 30 pounds as part of my beauty.

Again, if that just rocks your boat sexually and that's the reason then you do you, but just dont call it healthy.

Body Image, and the Truth about Your Health.
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