Myths Girls Hold About Strength Training

Myths Girls Hold About Strength Training

So, I see a lot of girls often staying away from strength training because they get put off due to misconceptions. This myTake will hopefully clear up misconceptions.

Misconception 1: Lifting weights will make me look like a man

Myths Girls Hold About Strength Training

This is a very common belief and so many girls state it as a reason for why they do not lift weights. It is impossible for you to look like the woman above after just a year of training. The woman above probably was training for at least 10 years and is clearly on steroids to look like that. As long as you stay away from drugs, lifting weights will actually help you look more feminine, giving you that big booty that you desire. Exercise also helps keep your breasts perky as well. So, lift if you don’t want saggy tits.

Misconception 2: Running a lot will help me build muscle

Myths Girls Hold About Strength Training

Running is a cardiovascular activity. It strengthens your heart and is great for weight loss. However, that is all it is good for. Running will burn calories and fat. If you don’t have much fat, you will start burning muscle instead. By all means, do running if you are overweight and need to lose some extra pounds. But don’t just run, expecting to make muscle gains that way. You need dumbbells and barbells for that.

Misconception 3: Doing 100 crunches a day and Russian twists will burn belly fat and give me abs

Myths Girls Hold About Strength Training

This won’t work because it is based upon the belief that we can spot reduce fat. It has been scientifically proven that we cannot spot reduce fat. If you want to reduce belly fat you need to lower your overall body fat percentage. This can be achieved through cardio activities like running which specifies burn fat and extra calories. Also, please do not do Russian twists. They are a useless exercise that will mess up your lumbar spine.

Misconception 4: I need to live on salads to lose weight

Myths Girls Hold About Strength Training

Obviously, salads are really good for you and you should eat them. However, losing weight is more about eating less calories than you burn. If you eat less calories than you burn, you will lose weight. This is called a calorie deficit. To gain weight, you need to eat more than you burn. This is called a calorie surplus. It is really as simple as that.

Misconception 5: I can’t do cardio and strength train at the same time

Myths Girls Hold About Strength Training

There is no reason why you can’t do both. You will be saving yourself time doing both at the same time. It takes a while to learn the proper form for lifting exercises. Having a balance of cardio and strength training is important unless you are underweight, in which case stay away from cardio all together.

Myths Girls Hold About Strength Training
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