Covid Finally Got Me

Covid Finally Got Me

It has been a long 2.5 years or however long it's been since the pandemic started that I personally have enjoyed a Covid free existence...until now. I randomly got a text from my parents whom I had just visited a couple weeks ago, letting me know that they had tested positive. That was it. I knew I was next. My entire family have all been fully vaxxed and boosted, but with the new strains, it seems like everyone around me has started to catch Covid---my best friends brother is round 2, my friends children just got it, my sister in law got it, and my parents got it and none of them live in the same states except for my parents.

After the text, I took my first covid test which turned out to be negative, but I wasn't reassured by that because I was starting to have some major nasal drip. My nose was running like a faucet. Day one of that, I ran through a half box of tissues. I also began to just not feel great and ended up taking some days off work because I was starting to feel really worn down combined with other health issues I was already experiencing with chronic illness. After those days off, things did not get better, so I took my second covid test, but it was absolutely negative again. By day 4, I developed a fever, and that's when I took another test and this time it was very clearly positive.

Covid Finally Got Me

Things sort of went from bad to worse from there. Next came intense non stop dry coughing and major congestion. The congestion was hell. My entire nose was so stuffed up that I couldn't breath and it was making me gag from coughing to clear my throat and not being able to clear my nose which made me throw up and kind of ruined my appetite for a while. I never had issues with from the lungs breathing or actual loss of taste and smell, but the congestion messed me up making it basically impossible for me to lay my head down and sleep for more than a few hours a night because it became of cycle of violent coughing fits, couldn't breathe from my nose, couldn't sleep, repeat.

I had taken some Tylenol for about 2 days, which made the fever go away, but all the other symptoms just hung in there. At this point, fed up with the lack of sleep and constant coughing and congestion, I took an OTC cough medicine. This had little effect other then briefly coating my throat with cough syrup which would help with the scratchiness and irritation to my throat, but then minutes later, the coughing would be back again.

Covid Finally Got Me

So now, some two weeks later, the congestion has gone down considerably to the occasional stuffy nose, but nothing like the intense blockages of the early stages of Covid. The coughing however, is persistent. It has woken me up in the middle of the night nearly every day since it started and there are the occasional fits of it during the day.

The last but not least symptom for me was the development of Laryngitis. This one I did not expect from everything I'd read, but my voice was just shot to the point of me having to text people sitting right next to me for them to be able to understand me. My doctor said this can happen if you've had severe coughing (check) and it is a reaction of the swelling of the vocal cords but it will eventually go away on it's own. I thought a few rounds of hot teas, some steaming, some throat lozenges, and complete vocal rest would have me better in a few days, but it has taken nearly a week in a half to get back up to just 85% recovery.

So there you have it. Covid. Definitely. Sucks.

Covid Finally Got Me
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