Pretty terrible period pain. I can't take any meds. Any solutions?

I get pretty bad cramps so I decided with the help of my doctor that birth control was not a way for me personally right now.

Normally during my periods I feel nauseous and get headaches and I take the extended relief midol and it perks me right up. Right now, however, I'm living on an NSAID for an injury and can't take midol with it. In theory, the NSAID should kill the cramps, but it doesn't.

This time, I have cramps, my sides have been hurting so bad, like my ovaries feel like they are about to pop, my arms are sore, my legs hurt, my lower back is KILLING ME and I'm so freakish bloated. This is the worst I've felt on my period.

I can't take mostly anything with my other medicine and don't have a bath tub readily available to me..any suggestions for me? None of it is debilitating but it really hurts :/

Help meeee
Pretty terrible period pain. I can't take any meds. Any solutions?
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