Need new work out for legs..Trying to build up the mass?

Well to start my body type is considered to be ectomorph so it's pretty hard for me to put on weight. So yeah i use to be really skinny and was even bullied for it a while back, but i put on a lot of muscle and sculpted out my body.

The thing is i focus on my legs a lot but i'm having a hard time building the mass up in them. Every where else is perfect for me but my legs. I just want them a little bigger, well my calves anyway. Yes i work out my legs intensely from squats, lunges, thrusters, calve raisers, 1 legged squats and leg curls. The list goes on. (I even walk on the balls of my feet now)

I usually do all my work outs in circuits from 3-4 work outs per circuit before resting. I'm not really sure what it is and why i can't really build up the mass in my legs but i just wanted to check and see if anyone had any suggestions..

(and no i don't look like one of those gross guys who are big up top and have tooth pick legs...)

They've gotten a lot bigger from the start but I've been noticing a lot of decline recently but only in my legs..
Need new work out for legs..Trying to build up the mass?
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