From chubby to fit :)

I plan on working my butt of (literally!) for the next two months before school start and from then on because I want to be really healthy. I wouldn't say I'm fat just a little chubby in some areas but I am only around 5'3 so its looks kinda...ya know lol. Mostly due to the dreaded freshman year of college weight gain :/ so now this year starts a new year and I plan on being fit for it. I want to go back and have people notice. (do guys notice when a girl loses weight?) Guys never really payed too much attention to me I've been kinda the BFF. What happens now when the guys that wouldn't give you the time of day before start coming around? My theory is if they wouldn't talk to me before to not talk to them that a good method? I want someone that wants me no matter what I look like. For some reason I think ill be sad if guys give me attention because they never did before so it will prove the are you follow this? lol help...
From chubby to fit :)
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