Do you have any ADD Medication problems and side effects?

So I have tried probably a good handful of ADD medications. What happens is either the side effects are so bad and I'm not just talking about a little headache I'm talking it causes my heart rate to be in the 130's to 200's for almost 2 hours before it finally starts to come down and i get sooo dizzy and light headed I feel like I'm going to pass out all the time. Or it causes me to be so depressed that it causes really bad thoughts (when that happens I stop taking it immediately and tell my doctor). I feel like I am the only one that this happens to. Does this happen to anyone else? what kind of side effects do you have? what do you do and what happens? I can't go without medication because my add is so bad that I do very horrible in school without medication.
Yes I have ADD and I DO take medication and DO NOT have any probelms with it
Yes I have ADD and I DO take medication and DO have any probelms with it
Yes I have ADD and I do not take medication
No I dont have ADD
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Do you have any ADD Medication problems and side effects?
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