Bodybuilding! Let's get the truth! You like? You no like? Why?

Bodybuilding tends to create some of the most headstrong and blind opinions I've ever seen. You've got the bodybuilder who says every guy that doesn't like them is jealous and every girl that doesn't like them secretly does and/or likes thier bodies but not the lifestyle. Which in short means I've worked so hard it's impossible for people not to love this bod. On the other hand there's a lot of non bodybuilder guys that say stuff like who would ever want to be that big (uh the bodybuilder would) or they look like monsters (aka they scare me) and from the ladies I've heard everything from they're just gross or egotistical to they make me feel insecure to mmmmmmm. So I really want to hear everyone's opinions on bodybuilding. Every aspect of it not just the looks. And if you can try your best to stay unbiased.
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Bodybuilding! Let's get the truth! You like? You no like? Why?
18 Opinion