Should I go to a doctor or do you think it's fine?

So I was doing pullups on a doorway pull up bar and one of the side clamps slid inside the door so I accidently let go and my legs were bent like an L so I landed on my knees. It was about a 2 foot drop but still my body landed straight and when my knees hit I felt a little pain in my lower back (around my waist area). It feels sore but no piercing pains or anything that feels way different from normal soreness. I called my mother to ask what she thinks since she's a nurse. She told me to just do the 20 min on/off icing thinking it's just inflamed but after a couple of days if the pain doesn't go away seek medical attention. I'm just wondering if any of you have ever experienced something like this and if it was just inflamed and it was no big deal. I don't want to end up paralyzed from the waist down. Again it's not like some stabing or intense pain it just feels sore around my lower back like if you were sitting in a super uncomfortable chair for a really long time.
Should I go to a doctor or do you think it's fine?
4 Opinion