Is this enough of a workout, strength training for weight loss wise?

4 rounds. Trained 2-3 times a week.

Leg day:
15 squat kickbacks
30 sec wall sit
20 glute bridges
20 lunges

Arms and chest:
15 Free weight curls
10 Lateral raises
15 Tricep dips
15 Pushups
15 Free weight bench press

1 minute Planks
15 Reverse crunches
15 Crunches
30 seconds Russian twists

+ cardio a few times a week
My diet is good. I'm only aiming to lose 15 lbs, don't care how long it takes. Thanks! :)
Yes, that's enough
No, its not (please add what more I should do)
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Is this enough of a workout, strength training for weight loss wise?
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