Do I have hair lice?

My little sister has lice. I didn't know it before yesterday, my mom didn't want my bro and I to know so we wouln't freak out. Since I've known, my head has been itching really bad (it didn't before yesterday). I used the chemical shampoo thing just as a precaution and combed my hair with the comb thing, but I'm not sure I did it very meticulously. I also COVERED my hair in olive oil today to try to suffocate any lice (it's been on my head for 5 hours, I need to leave it for a few more hours.)
So is it all in my head (you can get itchy just by reading this probably) or should I have my mom actually look through my hair cautiously? I was traumatised by these little suckers when I was a kid, I don't want to have them!
Also, if you know any good ways to get rid of them, shoot! I heard blow dryers on hottest mode are good?

ps. I don't recall having any head to head contact with her in the past few days...
I don't think you have lice
25 % chance you do
50 % chance you do
75 % chance you do
100%, burn your hair before they reproduce !!!
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Do I have hair lice?
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