How do girls with good bodies workout?

I've been weight lifting for two years. I have a decent body. But it's not what I want. Currently, I've gone from being a 'healthy' weight and some decent muscle mass for a girl to underweight. I've lost my period. I didn't even realise I was under eating. I suppose I was just restricting more and more every day...
no problem. I can gain weight back. But I'm reconsidering my bodybuilding style training. I started it to build a butt and bigger legs, but I'm just not achieving the look I want. A while a go, I DID want big muscles. Now I justvwant shape. I want to be thin, but still with a bit of fat so as you can't see my ribs and such. Seriously, the side of my butt is bruised from laying in bed. I want a softer, more feminine look but I still want to look fit, if you get me.
What do other girls do to get great bodies?
How do girls with good bodies workout?
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