Is my diet unhealthy?

Someone told me that my diet is "too" healthy, and that it is therefore unhealthy and that I should really go get checked out for anorexia..

My everyday diet consists of:
B: Half a bottle of water, a cup of coffee with almond creamer and 1 packet of sweetener - and usually make a juice with 1 cup of spinach, 1 kale leaf, 1 cup of strawberries and chia seeds, and 1 banana; if I don't feel like that, I like to have avocado on half a piece of Nature's Harvest whole grain bread with almond butter or an egg, rarely.
L: Consists of a salad with lettuce, cucumber, avocado (if I don't have that for breakfast), some raspberries, and a "light" dressing.
Veggies. Either a cup of cooked spinach or broccoli, sweet potato on occasion, sometimes half a sandwich. I pair this with a glass of water with lemon and two shots of apple cider vinegar. This is the same for dinner.
Snack: Tomato slices with some pepper, lots of cucumber, a slice of watermelon if I have any, a handful of almonds/raisins, avocado with about a tbls of dressing, half a cup of Yoplait Greek yogurt, a bowl of fruit, celery with almond butter.
I also go for a walk/run twice a day and do between 20-40 squats/pilates a day.

Is my diet unhealthy?
Post Opinion