Do you think losing a lot of weight should be celebrated?

Yes, I get that some people will say "they should've never gotten fat to begin with" or that "normal weight people don't get praise for not getting fat" and all that jazz. The thing is, it's EXTREMELY F*CKIN HARD TO LOSE WEIGHT.

Despite what some armchair nutritionists may think, it's not just simple math of starving yourself at a caloric defecit and eating next to nothing for a month or more until the pounds shed off. Actual experts will tell you starving yourself doesn't work, and that weight gain isn't as simple as gluttony. There's a ton of factors that contribute to weight gain, with one of the biggest ones being mental and stress. This may be an assumption on my end, but most overweight people don't seem very happy. (I sure wasn't, my entire life.) Stress is a heavy contributor to weight gain, even if you avoid fast food and have a pretty vanilla plain diet.

So while I'm not saying it's "heroic" to lose weight, I don't see what the point is on sh*tting on people trying to turn their life around. Same with people coming off drug addiction, or other problems in life. If people are going to be assholes to them regardless, why even bother to improve themselves along the way?

So I ask, do people who lose a lot of weight or otherwise improve their bodies deserve kudos and respect for turning their life around?

This one is going to be controversial, I'm sure.
Yes, people deserve some level of credit for self-improvement.
No, because they shouldn't have gotten overweight in the first place.
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Do you think losing a lot of weight should be celebrated?
21 Opinion