Would it be a good idea to lose more weight?

So, I used to be 158lbs and almost obese for my height (5'1). After losing weight, I am now 132lbs and I've recently made it to the normal weight range. I don't know whether or not to lose any more. On one hand I think it would be good because putting on as little as 1lb will send me back to the overweight range, and apparently the average weight for girls my height is about 115lbs. But then my top half is smaller due to my body shape and my collar bones are already well defined, so I think that if I lose more then I'll just look like skin and bones on the top. Also when people noticed my weight loss they said I looked skinny, and my sister thought I looked weird. Even though she's used to my new weight now, I think if I lose more the same thing may happen again but worse since I'll be even slimmer. One of my teachers even asked if I starved myself. Should I lose more?

Here's what I looked like before: link

Here's what I look like now: link

Thanks a lot!
Would it be a good idea to lose more weight?
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