Cardio, diet, and/or exercise ideas?

Hey! I'm trying to lose some weight, specifically chub on my stomach... I have a pretty big stomach because whenever I gain just a little weight that's where it goes. I've tried the 1,200 calories diet and it worked for a little but in recent months it hasn't helped at all. So I have a few questions.

One, any good cardio ideas to help me burn that fat off? I can't afford a gym membership, and running is very hard for me because I'm bigger breasted (expecially for my age).

Two, any reccomendeds diets? Healthy ones that'll help me lose some weight.

And three, any reccomendeds exercises I should try? I do around 110 squats a day. (50 in the mornings then 20 more 3 times a day), and I try to do lunges, so I'm looking for some abdominal exercises. Thanks!
Cardio, diet, and/or exercise ideas?
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