Is there any idea or way to put on weight?

My weight used to be almost 41/40kg now I lost some weights and that is freaking not good.

Got very sick then I lost weights I don't know how much,everyone says that I lost weights and got thinner,that's really annoying "ÓÒ I didn't want to lose more but it just happened.

So girls/guys any idea to get some weights? put the vitamins aside because I can't sleep all the day I've stuff to do.

So is there a way to get some weights? :[

I said some not lots of weights!

feel free to put anything may help.

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Yes I had my blood tested and everything.

Took x ray and many stuff because I thought I'm gonna be dead.

But the doctor said that everything is good
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122IWillNotBow7624 Thank you so much and I do eat pasta and everything but I just lose weight once I get sick.
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The weird thing is the doctor said that my weight is good.

potatoes is something that I do eat it everyday and love it.
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Thanks I really appreciate your great answers.
Is there any idea or way to put on weight?
6 Opinion