Should I Lay Off Weightlifting?

Hello, I'm 19 and about to turn 20 and in the air Force. So when I was doing squadron pt (with coworkers doing physical training), we were doing pushups and after I got done with my pushups, my left shoulder started hurting. It's more of like an ache and everytime I lift or do any physical labor work (like moving stuff), it eventually comes back. I tried to let it rest for 3 days and went in and did a session. It started again at the end of my workout. I called and setted up an appointment with my doctor and was wondering should I just avoid lifting weights? I really want to continue doing it because I'm close to benching 225lbs.
Should I Lay Off Weightlifting?
Stop weightlifting
Continue doing it
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Should I Lay Off Weightlifting?
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