Is this something to be worried about?

Around last week i had a bump on my eyelid. Looked like i had swollen eye. It would hurt a little bit, like when i blink or close my eyes tightly. Lasted a couple days. I thought it was over. Today i woke up with the same symptoms when it just started. Slightly swollen sensitive eye (still the left eye). Im almost sure its gonna be the same thing. It would get more swollen and then a bump would show up. One time was kinda okay but twice in 2-4 weeks is weird and making me feel anxious. Someone said maybe its allergies (dont have allergies that im aware of). Am i worrying about nothing?
Its nothing
You should look into it more
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My eye isn't red or anything, i think its the eyelid, but yes you’re right I’ll get it checked soon. I was advised to do so before but im scared of these things. I also convinced myself it was nothing. I’ll do it this time though. Thanks for the help.
Is this something to be worried about?
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