Girls, how physically strong are you?

Girls, how physically strong are you?

I feel like I'm too weak for my size and sex. I am 5'2, weight about 100 pounds.

When I worked out (before not anymore) my squats/leg press and lifting would all be weights about half my own weight (keep in mind when I reached this weight it was at the end of the process). And I'd be dead tired. I can work out like 4 times/week for a good 1-2 months and then my body becomes too sour and I stop and then i'm back to square one.

Evan daily stuff like opening a jar is horrible for me. I need to bend my back and use both arms.. it's a struggle. I usually have to ask for help.. or carrying grocery bags etc. I feel really weak.

Also the thing is I feel so much better when I work out for my mental health so I just wonder if there's something wrong with me.. what can I do to change it? I wanna be stronger so I at least can do daily stuff easy without asking for help.

Can anyone relate?

I can relate!
I can't relate... that's weird
I never work out so have no idea!
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11 mo
Should I contact a doctor lol?
Girls, how physically strong are you?
6 Opinion