Envious/ jealous or just Irrational?


I like this guy (M24): unfortunately, things have not worked out (my fault), but now i have begun to compare my life to his.

He is an athlete and gets sponsors and gets paid to do what he loves (does it remotely too; so more flexibility), alongside that he works as a physio (soon will be running the club) and is studying (keeps getting sponsors, and his business is doing well that started last year). He got accepted into grad school (due to sports scholarships) and he will be travelling because of it and living in another country. Nethertheless, he still manages to travel, go out with friends and see family.

Unfortunately, I (F23) compare myself to him. I'm also doing physio and working (at a clinic; fixed schedule) and studying (finishing now before I want to go to another grad school program abroad; if possible); got into grad-school but due to financial reasons I can't go, I'm not a top athlete or student (i'm good just not the top)... I'm a complete wreck with sports (i'm not the best at anything, more recreational level). I have started a small business online 4 years ago, but it's a total flop (restarted 3 times already and still no success)...

So basically, I feel useless. None of the things are working for me and I feel like utter crap about it seeing what could be.

Also probs doesn't help that he cut off contact with me after we left things mutual. But i think it is a common thing that I see people do things, I am unable to do no matter how much I have tried.

Please help!

Envious/ jealous or just Irrational?
3 Opinion