Has anyone else had similar experiences with headaches or migraines and found better solutions?

Hello GAGers. I, m (30), suffer from what is assumed to be cluster headaches. My doctor is still running tests on me to rule anything else out. So far I have gotten bloodwork that shows heightened levels of a hormone that indicate inflammation. He has me scheduled to get an echocardiogram, the problem is the echocardiogram can't be done until September as all my local hospitals are booked up until then. He didn't get any information from an EKG and thats why he ordered the echocardiogram. No odea what my heart has to do with my headaches, but I trust my doctor. I have an appointment for the end of the month to go over results and to see where to go from here whether that be more tests, or treatment.

Now for how I am coping... some days are much harder than others. I still have to work, doesn't matter if I am in extreme pain or not. So far ibuprofen has worked, but only sometimes. I tried a migraine medicine my doctor gave me, but it did not produce results after the first dose. My job, and this is relevent, involves taking care of people with intellectual disabilities. The client I am with all the time is a talker, so much so that he will repeat the same thing for almost 6 hours straight sometimes. It increases the intensity of my headache much more than it would be otherwise. I am not sure how to cope with this, while also doing my job. It feels unfair to my client to go to work when I am feeling that way, but I need the money. My coping strategy so far is to suffer in silence and do my best to work through the pain if ibuprofen does not work.

If anyone has experienced headaches like mine before and found better soultions I would love to hear those solutions.
Has anyone else had similar experiences with headaches or migraines and found better solutions?
1 Opinion