AITA for being jealous of my boyfriend's weight loss progress?

So my boyfriend and I are trying to lose weight although he has much less weight to lose than I do. I have about 150 to lose while he only has maybe about 15 to 20 to lose to be at a healthy weight and it's so frustrating seeing him drop the weight so fast (like he's down maybe 10-12lbs in about 2 weeks) while I am struggling to drop the weight (I've dropped 12 in 4 weeks) and I am much much much much bigger than him (obviously) so I should be dropping more weight than him at this point.

I know it's great that we both are getting healthy and losing the weight but I just feel so insecure about the fact that he's going to look like a snack soon and I'm going to still look fat and disgusting. I have a long way to go and I feel like people will start looking at us as if why is he with me. He could do so much better.

Don't get me wrong. I'm proud of my boyfriend for cutting back on the alcohol and the fast food and getting his health together and I want him to continue doing great but I just can't help but feel a slight bit of jealousy at his progress. And yes I know the progress will slow down eventually but right now he's Michael Phelps in the weight loss department.

I also know that I should be focusing on my weight loss efforts and not his but when he tells me about his progress everyday, it's frustrating to say the least.

Am I the asshole for feeling this way?
AITA for being jealous of my boyfriend's weight loss progress?
7 Opinion