High functioning autistic non swimmer who fears water and can't afford lessons or a jacket etc. Should you use Armbands, A swim ring or both?

Welcome to my story. Basically I nearly drowned the other week. Someone mentioned that they did slip forward with their ring. Landing headfirst in water. Is their a certain way l've got to use it to be careful? I plan on staying in the shallow end near a life guard. Really can’t afford other aids really. Thankfully I had adult armbands and a swim ring at home. Will I be judged and would I look unattractive? Sorry if you’ve seen question before. I just wanna hear multiple opinions to help my mind:)
High functioning autistic non swimmer who fears water and cant afford lessons or a jacket etc. Should you use Armbands, A swim ring or both?
13 d
I will try. Thank u:))
High functioning autistic non swimmer who fears water and can't afford lessons or a jacket etc. Should you use Armbands, A swim ring or both?
2 Opinion