I train my glutes every Monday and Friday and my reta days are wensday and Sunday. I eat about 190 g of protein each day and I would say about 2000 calories. I mange to eat a lot of carbs also and fruit. I lift heavy I do about 4-5 exercises during glute days suck as hip thrust, Rdl, Split squat and step us. I make sure to progress overload and left heavy for good form. Also before every glute day I make sure to do an activation exercise. if I am doing everything right why are my glutes not only growing but getting smaller. I also noticed it started getting smaller when i quit volleyball and started going to the gym daily. And i also take creatine Please help i’m so burnt out
1.1K opinions shared on Health & Fitness topic. Honestly none of us can really help you on this much since we aren't able to analyze exactly how you train, eat sleep, etc. We can just point towards possibilities that you may be able to fix on your own.
Also don't listen to anyone that says you're eating too much protein... You're literally getting within the optimal range of protein for muscle growth which is around 1gram per lb of bodyweight.
All I can really say is to make sure you're:
• getting 7-9hours of quality sleep.
• actually in a caloric surplus or you won't gain muscle very easily or at all.
• getting in more carbs around your training days. So the day before & the day of training needs to have at least 100g of carbs in total. Bonus points if they're starchy.
• consuming all the high quality amino acids we need to build muscle. And try to aim for at least 3grams of leucine per meal.
• prioritizing a slow eccentric of any movement you do (2-8secs) & make sure the concentric is relatively fast (<1sec).
• spacing out protein intakes for optimal muscle protein synthesis. Eat around 24-37grams of protein across 3+ separate meals. Make sure fats stay under 24grams per meal as they slow gastric emptying, which will defeat this purpose.
• consuming high quality & relatively fast digesting carbs after training. Aim for around half your bodyweight. Again, bonus points if they're starchy in nature.
• not doing a bunch of exercises you don't need to. At a certain point, doing more exercises per session just delays progress due to the body needing more recovery, which takes away from training frequency. Which is the most important thing for muscle growth. So just find max 3 different compound variations & stick to them going really heavy.
• hitting optimal sets per week for growth. For instance, I personally see growth at 5-9sets per week because I go insanely hard when I train & need more recovery days. But I don't discount the fact that I could see more growth from doing 9+ sets per week at lesser intensities & possibly see more. I just prefer to go hard & train less days. But you may have to up your frequency especially if you feel like you're recovering fast. When I feel completely recovered, I don't wait more than 24hours to train the recovered muscle group again.
• not undergoing a lot of stress. The cortisol isn't optimal for muscle growth.
• training at intelligent times when you're fueled by carbs.the list goes on an on for how well we can optimize training. But remember that the most important things are training hard, getting sleep, eating enough calories & protein, & resting only when your muscles, nervous system, or connective tissues (, etc) need to repair.
12 Reply- Asker24 d
thank you so much
Most Helpful Opinions
- 25 d
Somewhat ironically, you might be working too hard and defeating yourself. Maybe try 3 booty-focused exercises per week?
00 Reply
- 24 d
You might not be factoring in your metabolism. If you have a fast metabolism (like me) you work more off the food in your gut. These people need very slow paced exercise. If you run around all day at a fast pace try slowing it down for a couple weeks. See if your body is able to build that way. It was the key that worked for me. Once you have the muscle it's easier to keep and harder to lose, but the building period is where it's at in my experience.
10 Reply
Probably too much protein, and probably over working that part of your body. You're not giving your muscles enough time to recover and build before you break them down again. Try training that area really hard once a week for a while and see how that goes
50 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 6 d
Your muscles grow during your REST days, not during your workout days. When you max out your workout, you are creating micro-tears in your muscle tissue, which are then repaired during your rest days. Be sure to rotate the muscles you work every day. For example, you might have a three-day regime and rotate it twice each week, and rest on day #7: upper body, core, lower body, upper body, core, lower body, rest day. That way, you have two days to build the muscles you have just trained. 190 g of protein should certainly work, as long as it is complete and includes all essential aminos. Either meats, or rice/corn plus bean combos will provide all essential amino acids. I wish you well.
00 Reply You are consuming way too much protein a day because I know for a fact you aren’t 190 lbs. you should be consuming 1g of protein per lb. And consuming fruit doesn’t mean you are eating necessary amount of carbs. And you are probably overtraining your legs. There’s so many components that goes into gaining a propositional body, and training legs everyday will not grow your glutes, it will actually do exactly what is happening now. You are overworking your muscles. Less is more
10 Reply328 opinions shared on Health & Fitness topic. Before they grow they get harder. However be careful with training after you did a few weeks long brake, sore butt muscles are really bad, sore calves are nothing compared to this pain. Massage is painful as well because gluteal muscles have several layers.
00 Reply- 25 d
The general rule is 1g of protein for 1lb of body weight, you may be over-estimating your protein intake. Most people I know, because we play hockey, are 6ft and some still weigh less than 190lbs. Unless you are 6ft and muscled, 190g is too much for you
10 Reply - 20 d
The main question is: is the muscle mass getting smaller? It may well be that you burn the upper fat layer. Since fat takes in a bigger volume than muscle, they may get smaller although your muscle mass is increasing. So be patient.
00 Reply - 25 d
You’re doing the most you can. If it’s not growing anymore, then you’re at your max. If you workout too much, you’ll actually SHRINK your muscles. You need to give your time to rest so your muscles can grow
01 Reply- 24 d
You’re too skinny for 5’10 that’s why, if you want to grow your glutes for 5’10 you need to gain more weight
- 24 d
What is with women just doing squats at the gym? It’s pretty weird. I swear they hardly train anything else.
00 Reply Thanks for lining up your routine, but WHAT is the actual question?
00 Reply384 opinions shared on Health & Fitness topic. You shouldn't take creatine unless you want to look bloated and gain a bunch of water weight
00 Reply- 23 d
Maybe your firm and posture is incorrect
01 Reply- 23 d
- 24 d
I’ve heard swimming is good for them.
00 Reply 314 opinions shared on Health & Fitness topic. Genetics are hard to fight against.
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)25 d
That is a crazy amount of protein.
00 Reply - 25 d
smaller butts are better
01 Reply- 24 d
you are overweight
- Anonymous(36-45)25 d
Eye of the tiger train harder
00 Reply
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