Glutes not growing?

I train my glutes every Monday and Friday and my reta days are wensday and Sunday. I eat about 190 g of protein each day and I would say about 2000 calories. I mange to eat a lot of carbs also and fruit. I lift heavy I do about 4-5 exercises during glute days suck as hip thrust, Rdl, Split squat and step us. I make sure to progress overload and left heavy for good form. Also before every glute day I make sure to do an activation exercise. if I am doing everything right why are my glutes not only growing but getting smaller. I also noticed it started getting smaller when i quit volleyball and started going to the gym daily. And i also take creatine Please help i’m so burnt out

24 d
I am 163 lbs and 5”10
Glutes not growing?
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