I'm not able to do that.
Its not difficult , I dont carry any food that is not good food and my body is trained , so stress or otherwise , its never a problem , especially when you get yourself off highly processed carbs and sugars , just real food ALL the time.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 4 d
Yes, when under stress I can eat, but properly? No, because I then tend to eat too quickly. The best is wait some time to calm down before eating.
00 Reply
- 4 d
No, when I'm stressed, I've actually gone an entire day without eating, to the point I get physically sick but the thought of eating makes me feel sick.
00 Reply
i might have one binge meal to get out my frustration but then i'll go back to my good food
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
707 opinions shared on Health & Fitness topic. I have trouble trying to eat if I'm all stressed out. So what I do is drink a couple of nutritional shakes that come in a bottle.
I drink the original Ensure vanilla flavor. It will keep your strength up and it beats eating when you just can't.
sage🌷00 Reply- 1 d
Depends on the kind of stress. Sometimes I just do not WANT to eat. Sometimes I'll seek comfort with Mac and cheese, etc.
00 Reply I'm not hungry at all when I'm stressed or sad
10 Reply- 3 d
NO me either; When in a stressful situation I have no appetite at all. Fortunately it is something that seldom happens
00 Reply - 3 d
No. I either eat too much or too little usually.
10 Reply - 3 d
Yes, even under stress, I try to eat healthy. Its important for my body since I sport a lot
00 Reply - 3 d
Not much. If I eat at those times, I just throw up.
00 Reply - 3 d
my diet is trash as it is. then i stress eat XD
00 Reply - u3 d
I just "forget" to eat... so I don't
00 Reply - 4 d
Sometimes no but mostly I am good with my diet. Sometimes I just want ice cream or something bad ha
00 Reply Eating isn't a problem, lot's of people stress eat but I don't think anyone can truly enjoy food when under a lot of stress.
00 Reply- 4 d
My appetite actually decreases, so I guess it's good when I'm trying to cut.
00 Reply - 4 d
I hate eating when I anxious about anything
And am facing it these days.00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)3 d
Yes. Virtually nothing stresses me anymore.
00 Reply - 3 d
I eat much when I stressed but lose weight🥲
00 Reply - 2 d
No. I either stop eating or binge eat bad foods
00 Reply - 4 d
not well no :( I starve myself a bit
00 Reply I don't eat when stressed
00 ReplyYes plus one of my stress reliever is working out.
00 Reply- 4 d
I eat rlly fast when i’m in stress
00 Reply - 4 d
I eat more in stress lol
00 Reply 462 opinions shared on Health & Fitness topic. Fuck no
00 Reply1.7K opinions shared on Health & Fitness topic. Yeap
00 Reply- 4 d
Yes i can always eat
00 Reply
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