Is Weight a Big Concern for You?

I am a twenty-year-old man who has a lot of things going for him; I'm caring, smart, wise, funny, talented, and people enjoy my company. However, there's one thing standing between me and my complete self-confidence: my weight. I'm genetically built to be a big/tall guy, and I'm only somewhat overweight. But I don't like it, and I'm gonna try to change it.

This is where the question comes in. I feel like anyone who I would try to ask out on a date or whatever would be put off by my weight, even though everything else about me is okay. Is this true? I mean, if I could manage being confident about everything else to the point where my weight didn't concern me, would it not concern others when I try to have a relationship (usually)? Like I said, I want to at least try to get thinner. But I also want to be happy with who I am, and I hope others could be, too.
Weight doesn't matter to me at all.
Weight is a small issue at first, but I can learn to look past it if I feel that they are a great person in other more important ways.
I can deal with weight at first, but I expect them to be actively working towards changing it for whatever reason.
Weight is a major issue, and could keep me from pursuing a relationship.
Other (please explain and note that you answered "Other")
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Is Weight a Big Concern for You?
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