For people who have or have had braces?

I have had really bad teeth ever since I can remember. My top teeth are straight but I have a small gap in the front and they just need to be closer together. However, my bottom teeth are so crooked, I think its 4 of my bottom front teeth. My parents never took me to the dentist until I was like 16 and the last time I went I was 18 (I'm 22 and a half now) I really really really really want to have nice straight white healthy teeth, (preferably before I turn 25) I have a pretty good self esteem but my teeth don't make me feel beautiful. I really want to get braces but I'm a little scared and have a few questions:

1. Did you have to get any teeth extracted?

2. Did you have any jaw problems afterward?

3. Did it change the appearance of your mouth?

4. Did it make your mouth bigger?

5. How long did you have to wear them?

6. (kinda dumb question) did your upper teeth move up or down? (I don't wanna show my gums) :)

7. Did it affect he way you talk?

8. How's the pain?

9. Do you have to wear those rubber bands?

I am a little afraid of the dentist, and I have TMJ, and I'm not able to have my mouth open for long periods of time but I really want to transform my smile!

For people who have or have had braces?
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