Sugar addiction like mad?

Basically after every meal, and in between sometimes I crave sugar something and I don't have any clue how I can get past the craving or substitute for something. I just know this can't be healthy and it will end badly eventually. Seems like ever since I quite smoking a year ago the sweets have gone up but I gave up a bad habit and its been a year I want to get rid of this one now, any advice, ideas?

whats better option, option one or 2

1)stop all sweets and suffer till it goes away or will I go crazy?

2)OR eating way less sweets, or will I still feed the sugar addiction and it will never get easier?

also I've had no luck with artificial sweeteners, like aspertame, splenda it just doesn't hit the spot.
Option 1
Option 2
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Sugar addiction like mad?
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