What should I do about my acne issue?

I have had an abundance of zits/pimples on the left side of my face for over a month now. They are located at the side of my mouth, on my chin and now have one on my cheek (which has never happened before), they are all clustered together and are only on the left side.

They have been there for over a month and I am now getting concerned because my acne usually clears up within two weeks and then pops up elsewhere.

I wash my face twice daily (once in the morning and once at night) with a cleanser that usually works well for me. I also moisturize twice daily and am not on any medications (including birth control). I also have a good diet.

my acne has never been so bad for me to seek help besides over the counter stuff but this is just really bad. should I go see a doctor or a dermatologist? how much do dermatologists usually charge?
What should I do about my acne issue?
12 Opinion