Why can't I lose weight?

i know what your thinking : exercise and eat healthy . simple...not for me. I ALWAYS eat healthily, its very important to me. even though I'm a student, I always make sure I don't slip into the icky diet students live on. I eat fish and veg which most students don't.. since I came to college I've given up dairy, gluten and red meat. and I don't really have a sweet tooth either. I also exercise daily. so what's the problem? I've always been overweight. and I've tried many products but nothing seems to shift it. I'm 224lb . it refuses to go below that no matter how hard I try. I'm really unhappy in myself and insecure about it, especially my tummy, as it REALLY bulges.

ive been to the doctor and asked if it could be a hormonal imbalance, but she didn't take me seriously at all. she just said ''some people just find it difficult to lose weight'' . I've had blood tests done to check cholesterol, thyroid, hormones, blood sugar, everything! and it all came back more that perfect! the only thing she found was that my blood pressure was high. I'm not sure if this runs in my dads side of the family though as I don't have contact with him. I'm so frustrated!

Anyone got ANY idea what it could be?

Anyone have the same problem?

Please, any help or advice would really be appreciated.
Why can't I lose weight?
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