Should I make treats, or forget about 'em this year?

Almost all of the time I'm making treats and taking them in to work, and yet nobody else seems to even try to do this. Everyone says how they love the cookies I make and take in, and some used to tell me that I needed to make them everyday and sell them.

Then for Christmas time, I usually do cinnamon rolls and last year was the first time I took them into work for my coworkers to try and they begged for more...

Should I be nice, and take some in again this year, or should I forget about them, and take the treats to people whom usually give some form of a treat back?

I don't wanna sound like they HAVE to give treats back, but sometimes it's nice getting something from others over me always feeding them...
Sure take the treats in
Nope, they don't contribute so don't do it
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Should I make treats, or forget about 'em this year?
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