I think I'm anorexic or have a medical health problem..do I?

Please help! ..I think I have a weight/medical health problem! Basically I struggle to eat main meals, I can't eat breakfast cos it makes me feel ill, I spend all day snacking on all sorts of foods but I don't like eatig in front of people! My boyfriend an friends always tell me I'm so skinny but I feel fat..I think my stomache sticks out and my legs are flubbery! ..Im obbessessed with my weight and once I weighed myself an it said I was 8 stone and I cried about it! I always feel tired and I get moody all the time and I hate it but I can't help myself! What do I do?
Yes! Go see a doctor!
No! You're just paranoid
Its just called being a teenage girl!
Theres nothing wrong with the way you eat
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I think I'm anorexic or have a medical health problem..do I?
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