Send note after one night stand?

Last time I was in NYC (I live in Sweden) I hooked up with this guy in my building. We had great sex and agreed to see each other again. The problem is that I didn´t leave my number or e-mail when I left him... I just said "you know in which apt to find me" as the guy had a drink at my place earlier that night..

A few days later I had a severe food poisoning and that night the guy came knocking on my door... I was in such bad state I couldn´t bring myself to open the door.. and I´m pretty sure he noticed I was in there.. I was sick for two days and then I had a lot of stuff to do before I went back to Sweden, so I totally forgot to go to him and explain...

I always stay in the same apt when I´m in NYC and I would like to see this guy again, but the problem is that I don´t have his number or even know his last name.. And I´m pretty sure he will move from the building before my next visit because he had some issues with his room mate.. Would it be OK if I sent him a note by mail, with just his first name and apt # on the letter, or would it be stalker alert on that one?
Send note after one night stand?
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