Difficulty with a shy guy?

before I begin I warn you this will be really long and complicated but I'm really going crazy so PLEASE bear with me!

this summer. in summer camp/band, I kept catching the guy I like staring at me everywhere we were in sight of each other. at first I didn't really notice or care to it because I thought he didn't know I existed. he never tries to talk to me but we have lots of friends in common and are usually near each other. he and I held brief eye contact really often for awhile-a few weeks. now all of a sudden he doesn't stare anymore...like he's facing my direction but his eyes are looking above my head or to the side or whatever...sometimes I catch him looking but now he quickly looks away like he's scared or something. I'm really confused. why did he stop staring so openly? I'm afraid to talk to him because he's so awkward and his answers are so short and never makes eye contact when we talk..did he lose interest in me or something? why does he act so weird?
Difficulty with a shy guy?
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