Angry Christmas: What I really want for Christmas


A lot of people on Christmas want to gather around and huddle in near a fire, or sing Christmas Carols. Well that's all fine and dandy but.....NOT ME!

Angry Christmas: What I really want for Christmas

I want to eat Chinese food on Christmas. OK last year I had Chinese food the day after Christmas, but that doesn't count! I want it on Christmas! Yes, this right here!

Angry Christmas: What I really want for Christmas

I don't give a fuck about Santa, I would kill for a good night's sleep of peace and quiet, without my relatives asking me 2,000 questions.

Angry Christmas: What I really want for Christmas

Yes, I know I need to get my own place. Second, I want time to finish my novel. I would love to have at least an hour of peace and quiet without hearing some random baby crying that my mom's boyfriend brings over for his family. I would like a fucking flame thrower!

Angry Christmas: What I really want for Christmas

I also want money for Christmas, not clothes, jewelry, soap. I got things to pay off dammit.


Angry Christmas: What I really want for Christmas
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