Mariah filed the trademark bid with the U. S. Trademark Office in March 2021, it was made public in July, but has only recently come under scrutiny, as many of her entertainer peers take exception to her attempting to control the phrase.
She hopes to claim myriad merch rights exclusively for herself. "According to the application that was filed, the term would cover a large range of items like lotions, fragrances, jewelry, mugs, clothes, food, ornaments, and of course, music." “She’s trying to trademark this in every imaginable way-clothing, liquor products, masks, dog collars-it’s all over the map,” she said."
Singers have come forward showing their resistance to the trademark claim. Singer Elizabeth Chan officially filed against Carey. Darlene Love and Elizabeth Chan have gone to court to try to stop Carey from monopolizing it. "Christmas has come way before any of us on earth, and hopefully will be around way after any of us on earth,” Chan told Variety. “That’s just not the right thing to do. Christmas is for everyone. It’s meant to be shared; it’s not meant to be owned.”
The trademark is still under legal consideration.
Carey's 1994 album, Merry Christmas, is one of the best-selling Christmas albums of all time. “All I Want for Christmas Is You,” has become one of the biggest songs of the holiday season.
Carey’s song “All I Want for Christmas Is You” was released in 1994 and is on the charts each year. It's a very good song, very happy and festive. I always listen to it every year.
But I prefer this one a bit more:
Whose version of 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' do you like better?
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