I did it once and it was actually rather boring
My friend used to have a party every year and I would go, but I got tired of being the only sober person at the party. I drink but I never drink and drive, and I'm not paying $50 and waiting till 4am to get an Uber or Lyft to go 5 miles away. I have just stayed home the past couple of years. After working as bouncer at bars on and off for the past 18 years, I don't want to deal with drunks in public anymore. I never go to public places for New Year's Eve and deal with more drunks. Plus that's not really a thing in California with my generation. Most people just go to one of their friend's houses.
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Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 mo
I tend to go out yes , but back well before midnight. Usually it’s dinner and a show or a few drinks with friends. Can’t be bothered with the chaos of the celebrations any more though , I’m over that.
00 Reply
- 1 mo
it's fucking freezing here on New Year's Eve... even Drama Queen celebrates with friends INSIDE lol
and after countless attacks on open-air events, parents would rather advise their kids to do parties inside with a selected group of friends...
I hate this... as a kid, I spent countless nights outside in the area controlled by the mafia... and there was no risk until you asked for this... and now?10 Reply
- 1 mo
I think a lot of people stay home these days or go to a family member or friend's house to celebrate. That's what we did this year and last year. We didn't go "out" - we just went to a family member's house and had a get together to ring in the new year.
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What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 mo
I went in 2012 and the social experience was great, but when we got to Toronto for the midnight ball drop, the crowds were so large and the strangers so unfriendly, it took all excitement out of it. I ended up on an over crowded subway and bus back home cause my ride lost his camera and left our group early to look for it and I was already half way home when he told me he was done looking for it and could now give me a ride back to my house.
00 Reply When I was younger I use to , but I no longer care for going out on New Year’s Eve because it’s safer that way , instead of dealing with asshole drunks or possibly getting in trouble. I rather drink at home or at a friends’ house instead
10 Reply598 opinions shared on Holidays topic. It does not seem to be as big of a deal as it was but maybe that is because I am older and do not drink anymore.
00 Reply- 1 mo
I definitely didn't lol. Just chilled at home with my boyfriend
00 Reply u
1 moyou're supposed to go to a fun place... with fun people, lol
not just go outside00 Reply- 1 mo
We didn't. It IS a bore - an expensive bore. We went to Trader Joe's and bought a couple of steaks.
00 Reply Some still do, I myself don't. I stay home and celebrate New Year's with sauerkraut, been a tradition since I can remember.
00 ReplyLots and lots...
But.. as I just got back from my NYE out... it was really one of the worse nights out I've had! Think I'll skip it next year.
00 Reply- 1 mo
I have always stayed home except if I had to work on a new years eve shift - which I'm sure from even my memory I had to at least work one - anyways. Usually new years eve is a time for me to stay home in front of the television 📺👀 - merrily 😋
00 Reply - 1 mo
I know someone that said she was gonna but, no idea if she actually did.
We nearly ALWAYS played a gig on New Years Eve and the places we played were often full of people.00 Reply I suppose some do, but we just stay home. We used to go out to dinner now we just order Chinese take out.
00 ReplyI just stay home and watch the celebrations on TV. One time my family did go downtown for New Years eve and it was crazy and packed plus cold. I just don't trust going out especially with people getting drunk while celebrating.
00 Reply- 1 mo
We just stayed in and had a buffet. I went to bed early due to having worked it, and Mum and Dad stayed up watching Jools Holland on BBC 2.
00 Reply Nah; it’s stay in with a good book and a bottle of Merlot. The taxi from the couch to the bed is dirt cheap.
00 ReplyCelebrate the start of a new year with friends.
00 ReplyNot really. Not here. We go to private parties.
00 Reply- 1 mo
yeah a lot of people do
00 Reply It’s still fun to celebrate New Year with friends.
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)1 mo
no, afraid i might die to be quite honest
00 Reply - 1 mo
Some do but private parties are better
00 Reply - 1 mo
I do go to the clubs, it’s fun.
00 Reply - 1 mo
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