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1 y

What motivates you more in the gym - looking nice or attracting guys?

Feeling fit or strong is the best feeling. You not only reap the health benefits and the mental health ones too, but also just feeling genuinely good in what you've accomplished with a ton of hard... Health & Fitness

1 y

What are some things that help to boost your self esteem?

Accomplishing a goal. Working out consistently. Getting a fresh new hairstyle. Buying a new style of clothes you never would normally wear. Something that makes you feel fancy or sexy.... Health & Fitness

1 y

Which type of cardio do you prefer and why?

Weight lifting is my preferred cardio. 😄🏋‍♀️ Health & Fitness

1 y

What do you do when your tired but can't fall asleep?

I like watching or listening to scrapbooking asmr usually or something similar. I love the sounds. It gets me sleepy. 😊 Health & Fitness

1 y

How flexible are you?

I'd say above average. At least from what I've seen. 😅 Health & Fitness

1 y

Are my muscles supposed to ache the next day?

It's normal for them to ache the next day or even a few days in a row afterwards. If you workout consistently enough the ache will get less and sometimes you won't even feel anything at all. I... Health & Fitness

1 y

How quickly do you fall asleep at night?

An hour if I'm super lucky. Usually it takes hours though. And, if I'm really exhausted I can't sleep at all. I love myself. 😅 Health & Fitness

1 y

Which is the worst gym fashion scenario?

Both are very attention seeking in my opinion. The scunched butt tights on women though I don't get at all. Like, how desperate are you? Health & Fitness

1 y

What is your favorite form of exercise?

Calisthenics or lifting. They make me feel so good. I also love ice skating or hockey. Health & Fitness

1 y

My belly is making it hard to get around?

How's your diet? You could start with that first. Take out a bunch of sugar foods and try not to eat until you're full, but just satisfied instead. Start small with this and work up to more... Health & Fitness

1 y

I don’t feel good about myself (I’m 5’1 and 165 pounds the heaviest that I’ve been and I have no idea how to lose the weight)?

If this is really want you want and not just something social media has made you feel that you want, then I recommend getting into weight lifting. It'll not only make you feel amazing, but it... Health & Fitness

1 y

Do you go to the gym to exercise or do you stay home?

I workout at home mostly, but like going to the gym at least once a week to use their equipment as something different. Health & Fitness

1 y

How to lose fat lol?

Like others have already mentioned, there's many ways you could go about this. It's all about finding what works for YOU personally. What works for someone may not work for someone else.... Health & Fitness

1 y

How do you stay energized and work?

I'm not actually at work, I'm out riding my sled. 😄 (in my head) Seriously though, the things the paycheck pays for keeps me motivated. Health & Fitness

1 y

What is your favourite gym equipment?

Either leg press or chin up/dip station. Health & Fitness

1 y

How often do you exercise in a week?

Normally I would prefer doing 4 or 5 days a week, but right now I'm doing a personal 100 day challenge with no rest days. Alternating muscle groups of course. It's been a lot of fun actually! 😁 Health & Fitness

1 y

Girls, Do girls only like guys with abs?

Definitely not. Generally guys who are fit are a turn off for me. I guess because most fit guys I've talked to are full of themselves and have an ego the size of Texas. 😅 Health & Fitness

1 y

Can anyone Change My View and give me a good reason why I should return to the gym and keep going there?

I shared this in what I think is the same post you're referring to. So, I'm just going to copy it for here and add a bit to it. Don't take offense to whatever I say. This is just my take from my... Health & Fitness

1 y

Can someone tell me what is this strength training for? 🤣 ?

I'm sorry. I can't take anyone seriously at the gym that dresses for attention. 😂 Health & Fitness

1 y

Which one are you?

I'm definitely not an early bird. I procrastinate going to bed everyday lol. I know it's bad. I'm working on that. 😅 Health & Fitness

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