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10 mo

What makes a classy woman?

This isn't directly related, but I was looking through my dance folder earlier to reply to someone else, and I thought you might just enjoy this image. Your q makes me think of these that answered... Dating

10 mo

Why are the best people usually in a relationship with absolute selfish jerks?

I've never experienced that. Quite the opposite. In fact, the people who made the best partners were already taken, or opting out for very specific and valid reasons. If they're with people who... Relationships

10 mo

Why is the best piece of dating advice you have ever gotten?

I've never received any particularly insightful and memorable dating advice. But my sister said something once, about people, that stuck with me. And she was right. "Focus on similarities. We... Relationships

10 mo

Is no reply a reply itself?

No. I think too much is read into digital communication. People need to slow their roll. Anxiety and judgment and paranoia are pretty rampant these days. We don't have the normal cues to be able... Dating

10 mo

Guys what type of flirting has been effective in your opinion?

lolol What's "rizz"? Although I prefer today's modern men (strong but have a sensitivity that they eventually become comfortable to express to me), I kind of have/had to be conked over the head,... Flirting

10 mo

If a woman is highly attractive but single, should a guy take it as a hint?

Nah. It's way more complicated than that. Not a red flag. The formula is endlessly complex and ever-changing. There's luck, compatibility, time available, career demands, geography, etc etc etc.... Dating

10 mo

I keep having these nightmares?

I've had very negative dreams about my husband, in the same vein as yours, where we are arguing, etc. They aren't linked to something he's actually done, or that we were going through. It's... Relationships

10 mo

Is it annoying to tell your partner you love them every week?

Yes, it feels needy. And saying it too often tends to make it void of meaning. Dating

10 mo

Is trying to approach a woman in gym clothes a bad idea?

I'm writing an erotica story about this. She goes to do bench presses and gets a bit out of her depth, and he saves her. Later that evening, they happen to bump into each other in a bar. It is the... Dating

10 mo

Can spiritual infidelity in a marriage be forgiven?

It's up to you to decide what you will forgive. But I would caution you to conclude that matters of people, and especially the heart, and ago, are as clearly delineated as you might wish, think,... Marriage & Weddings

10 mo

Are we responsible for the patterns of our dating history?

I agree with you. And I think your choice of the word "pattern" pretty much says it all. Ding ding. 🛎 Dating

10 mo

Are you forgiving to yourself?

What a beautiful sentiment you wrote here, Femme. 💐 I feel almost as if I cannot answer this for myself. I can answer what others have said, many others, and that is, "Amanda, you are your own... Relationships

10 mo

Is such a rude response really necessary?

This isn't enough info to know why she reacted this way... ... but, yes, that was hella rude. How old is this woman? I genuinely do want to know. But whatever her age, she's behaving like a little... Dating

10 mo

Do you remember the exact date, day, time and place where you lost your virginity?

Good grief, no. The man, the experience, yes. The rest is irrelevant. Relationships

10 mo

What is the key to your heart?

Beautiful q, Memento. Listening. Talking. Sharing. Honesty. Truth. Vulnerability. Empathizing (genuinely.) Caring. Sweetness. Loving. Words. Words. Poetry. Beauty. Adaptability (especially to me.)... Relationships

10 mo

How should guys communicate with girl that are venting?

I'll be honest—I don't understand why this advice persists in society—females don't want you to offer fixes or advice, they just want you to listen. Why? Why is this the case? Why do so many men... Dating

10 mo

Do you think it’s unrealistic to be with only one person for the rest of your life?

I think it's a beautiful sentiment and concept, and it's somewhat comforting, or something akin to that, that many people still believe in it. It's hopeful. But young people should be idealistic.... Relationships

11 mo

Do you think starting drama with your crush would make them like you?

That is a terrible idea. Men hate drama. (Unless they're gay, then they tend to love it.) Flirting

11 mo

Do you enjoy cooking for your partner?

I'm overall fairly neutral on cooking. The act of it is fine. It's a lot more affordable than relying on others to make your food for you (premade in grocery stores, or restaurants.) But the main... Relationships

11 mo

What advice would you guys give for dating someone with a platonic best friend of the opposite sex?

Look, sometimes it is nothing but platonic friends. Sometimes it is more. But that doesn’t preclude you from putting limits on who his friends can be. You chose him. You love him. You have to... Relationships

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